ĆWICZENIE 4 Zdania 1-8 uzupełnij wyrazami z ramki. godfather • leisure activities. mother-in-law • reunion • text • fiancée • infant • siblings 1. Kate is Sam's They are getting married in June. 2. I haven't seen my since my christening. It's a pity he lives so far away and I can't meet him more often. 3. Being an only child is awful. I have to do everything on my own. I wish I had 4. There are so many jokes about people's I can't understand why because my wife's mother is a wonderful woman. 5. People have started using social media more often to communicate, that's why fewer and fewer pe- ople Using instant messaging is faster and cheaper. 6. My niece is the most beautiful I have ever seen. She can't talk or walk yet, but I love watching her sleep in her cot. 7. This year I don't have time for I have extra classes and have to prepare for my final exams. It's a shame. 8. Next year we're going to have a family I can't wait to see my aunts and uncles. I haven't seen them for ages.​