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"This area is known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch (1) It contains lots of plastic waste that came from ships. The litter covers a huge area of the ocean, but experts do not agree on its actual size. (2) Some say it's around 700,000 square kilometres (twice as big as Poland). Others claim it might even be as large as Russia."
Luka 1.
- "It" odnosi się do "Garbage Patch".
- garbage, waste oraz litter to synonimy
Luka 2.
- "700,000 square kilometres" oraz "as large as Russia" to "size" -mowa o rozmiarze Plamy Śmieci
- Some say, others claim - Jedni mówią to, a drudzy tamto... - takie wyrażenia łączą wypowiedź w jedną całość
Luka 3.
"Another problem is that some sea animals die because they are trapped in plastic nets. (3) This means they cannot go to the surface to breathe. This often happens to sea turtles."
- they -> sea animals
- "they cannot go to the surface to breathe" nie mogą wydostać się na powierzchnię, ponieważ "they are trapped in plastic nets" - zaplątują się w plastikowe siatki
Luka 4.
"Both the Atlantic and the Indian Oceans have similar areas. (4) But they are not as large as the one in the Pacific. Smaller patches of litter can also be found near popular shipping routes like the one in the North Sea"
- Podobne miejsca, gdzie zalegają śmieci znajdziemy również w innych miejscach, ale nie są one tak duże, jak ta na Oceanie Spokojnym.