Przetłumacz. Napisz zdanie twierdzące, przeczenie i pytanie.

1. Ona obudziła się na czas zeszłej nocy.

She woke up on time last night.

She didn’t wake up ….

Did she wake up ……?

2. Oni mieli pyszne śniadanie o 8 godzinie.

3. Mój wujek czuł się zmęczony w ostatnim tygodniu.

4. Moi koledzy robili prace domową 3 dni temu.

5. Wujek mojego przyjaciela widział wypadek w środę.

Odpowiedź :


2 They had delicious breakfast at 8 o'clock.

  They didn't have delicious breakfast at 8 o'clock.

  Did they have delicious breakfast at 8 o'clock?

3 My uncle felt tired last week.

  My uncle didn't feel tired last week.

  Did my uncle feel tired last week?

4 My friends did their homework 3 days ago.

  My friends didn't do their homework 3 days ago.

  Did my friends do their homework 3 days ago?

5 My friend's uncle saw an accident on Wednesday.

  My friend's uncle didn't see an accident on Wednesday.

  Did my friend's uncle see an accident on Wednesday?
