Zad. 9 Przeczytaj trzy opisy brytyjskich potraw wielkanocnych oraz zdania 9.1.-9.4.
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Hot cross buns are traditionally baked on Good Friday in many Christian
countries. Slightly sweet, with lots of currants, candied orange peel, and
spices. You don't have to wait until Easter to bake them. In England, for
example, you can enjoy them all year round.
The simnel cake is a light and almondy fruitcake made from white flour, sugar,
butter, eggs, spices, dried fruit, zest and candied peel. It has a layer of
marzipan or almond paste baked into the middle. 11 marzipan balls on top of
the cake represent the 11 apostles (minus Judas).
Glazed ham is a popular Easter dish in many English houses. It is perfect for
a large family gathering. After baking, you can slice it and put on bread or eat
a bigger piece of it as a perfect lunch.
Based on: https
Which dish can be a perfect dinner for a big family?
The elements of which of the dishes symbolise biblical characters?
Which food is usually prepared for Easter but can be eaten anytime
during the year?
Which food is not a dessert?