zadanie w zalaczniku

1. Normally can be there five people, but if double them there could be even ten.
2. It's a double room which means it's for at least two people, but it happens that two people sleep together, so it might be for even more.
3. It seems that there's everything needed. However, some people call fully furnished when there's only a bed and a chair, so it's better to check.
4. The announcement says it's £350, but life experience suggests it could be more somehow.
5. No, only shower, the bathroom is shared with others as it's called communal.
6. Yes, unless being locked. The access to the communal room, bathroom and kitchen should be guaranteed.
7. It looks that only the train station which is a 10-minute walk from the place and the new gym located much closer. Other objects are not mentioned, which may mean there are nothing more, or the announcement giver didn't want to spend too much money on it.