NA TERAZ DAJE NAJNapisz e-maila formalnego na zasadzie zadania 5 strona 95 angielski klasa 7 link (zasada w załączniku)​

NA TERAZ DAJE NAJNapisz Emaila Formalnego Na Zasadzie Zadania 5 Strona 95 Angielski Klasa 7 Link Zasada W Załączniku class=

Odpowiedź :


Good morning,

I would be very glad if you could share a town square. I wanted to start a charity event to collect money for the needs of the Ukrainian refugees. I wanted to collect as much money as possible. The charity event would start at 7:30AM in 25th of April and end at 11PM in 1st of May, if that would be possible. I would sell all kinds of things, for example: foods, sweets, gadgets, handmade clothes, books etc. I would also ask some volunteers for help in selling. All of the money that we will collect will go for the Ukrainian refugees' clothes, food, entertainment and, if we'd have enough money, even for places to live in. Please, I would be very glad if you could share a town square. For the sake of the Russian war victims.

Best regards

- (y/n)

możesz pozmieniać co nie co, mam nadzieję, że pomogłam <3