Proszę o pomoc w napisaniu dialogu z angielskiego. Załącznik.

Proszę O Pomoc W Napisaniu Dialogu Z Angielskiego Załącznik class=

Odpowiedź :

Cztery kwestie do omówienia:

(1) sprzęt

(2) korzyści

(3) ograniczenia

(4) Twoje doświadczenia

Punkty poruszone przez ucznia B:

(a) poproś ucznia A o dokładniejsze objaśnienie...

(b) grzecznie wyjaśnij, dlaczego punkt widzenia ucznia A... (tego nie udało mi się wcisnąć)

(c) dowiedz się, co uczniowi A najbardziej podoba się...

(d) nie zgódź się z uczniem A w jakiejś kwestii..


Uczeń A: Hey! I enjoy meeting with you in person a lot, but I have a suggestion. Let's both get an instant meessenger app. What do you think?

Uczeń B: I'm not sure about that. What do you like about instant messengers?

A: They have a lot of advantages like being able to communicate wherever and whenever we want. (2)

B: How so? Tell me more, please. (a)

A: The messages are delivered almost instantly! You don't need to wait for weeks, like e.g. with letters. (2) But my favourite is being able to send you funny memes that made me laugh.

B: I see. What do I need to get an instant messenger?

A: Your phone, tablet or computer. Any device with Internet access which you will also need to be able to use the app. (1)

B: What if I'm on holidays in the countryside?

A: That's one of the downsides - you need the Internet in order to use the app. You also need to have an electric device with you at all times (3), but we already keep our phones in our pockets all day long.

B: I don't agree with you at all. I like to leave my phone in my room when I eat or take a walk. I don't think it's healthy to take it everywhere I go. What do you think about that? (d)

A: I understand why it may be concerning, some people get addicted to their phones. But I don't think I will, I am careful. I like using my instant messenger app to talk to my friends from abroad, I feel closer to them thanks to that opportunity. I get to talk to them more often and be more present. (4)