Napisz maila do kolegi z angli.

1.jesteś na wycieczce szkolnej nad morzem , napisz co robicie, jak spędzacie czas

2.napisz co sądzisz o jedzeniu (co było dobre a co nie)

3.napisz co wczoraj robiłeś i określ emocje z tym związane PLSSSS NA SZYBKO

Odpowiedź :

When we arrived, one of the teachers went to the shop to get some water because thats day was very hot. Second teacher stay with us. When the teacher left the shop we went to hotel. We have free time for yourselfs. Later we come into beach and some of students start playing volleyball the other half of the students come into the water It was so fun sounds boring but it was very funny thing.

In hotel was so many fish to eat , I dont like it the fishes was so boring to eat and everyone order fies or burgers we all like it! there were all kind of seafood but that was so basic.
Yesterday I come with my friends to the park maybe basic but with my friends it was so crazy time. My friends are so funny people so this time with they was the most amazing time in the world!

Napisałam tylko o tym co wymienilas ale jest to dobrze wykonane