Odpowiedź :
Odpowiedz na pytania dotyczące tekstu.
1.What is the name of Mrs Morrison’s granddaughter?
- Mrs Morrison's granddaughter's name is Samantha.
2.What are they both doing?
- They are planting flowers in the back garden.
3.What is Mrs Morrison wearing?
- She is wearing gloves.
4.Where did she buy her flowers?
- She bought all her flowers from the garden centre.
5.What does she use to water the flowers?
- She uses a garden sprinkler to water the flowers.
6. Once fully grown, what will she do with the flowers?
- Mrs Morrison will cut the flowers and put them in a vase.
Słowniczek pojęć:
(to) plant flowers - sadzić kwiaty
gloves - rękawiczki
a garden center - centrum ogrodnicze
a sprinkler - zraszacz
(to) water - podlewać
a vase - wazon
(to) dig - kopać
roots - korzenie
a spade - łopata
soil - gleba