Przez ostatnie lata trenowałeś(-aś) w klubie sportowym swoją ulubioną dyscyplinę. Niestety musisz odejść z drużyny. W e-mailu do kolegi z Berlina:
 wyjaśnij, dlaczego nie możesz już trenować w tym klubie
 opisz reakcję kolegów na wiadomość o tym, że już nie będziesz z nimi trenować  napisz, jak zamierzasz kontynuować znajomość z kolegami z klubu.

Odpowiedź :


Hi Hans,

I must tell you I can’t do heavy lifting in my favourite club anymore. It is because I didn’t agree with the coach who didn’t let new members use all the facilities. I couldn’t stand such stupidity and argued that they needed to exercise. The coach was simply envious because they might do more than him and he was unable to bear the thought that someone had a chance to know or do much more than he. He thinks that if he’s got any power, it makes him an overman. Well, such people exist.

My friends got sad and disappointed both because of our coach's attitude and my decision. But I told them we can meet anytime or even find another gym to train together. They told me they were considering this. How about you?


