Poproszę o pomoc z napisaniem wypracowania

W dzisiejszych czasach często kupujemy nowe rzeczy (np. ubrania, meble, sprzęt elektroniczny), pomimo że nie są nam niezbędne, a wyrzucamy te, które mamy. Napisz artykuł, w którym omówisz przyczyny i skutki takiego zachowania oraz zaproponujesz ciekawą akcję umożliwiającą ponowne wykorzystanie niepotrzebnych rzeczy

( od 300 do 350 słów, wszystko po angielsku oczywiście : ) )

Odpowiedź :

Useless shopping

Nowadays more and more people are buying a lot stuff which they simply do not need. They have a fridge, yet they buy another one just because it has another function which will be used maybe once or twice by the owners who just want to show off. What is more, they throw away quite well working things which in their opinions are a bit out of date.

One could ask why it happens. The answer is not so easy to determine as there are billions of people and they might have their own reasons. However, it can be assumed that most of them do it to follow a kind of fashion or their own vision of what the fashion is. This phenomenon is also created by media and advertisement present everywhere.

I believe that a number of people cannot make their own decisions not because of brain malfunctions, but fear of being judged by others, who do exactly the same. In other words the Smiths buy a new TV set just because they are strongly convinced that the Johnsons think they have not the newest model due to the lack of money. Meantime, the Johnsons buy a new car not to be perceived as poor and outdated by the Smiths. It looks like an insane circle of lunatics having nothing to do but tracking and following each other. Being scared, I take the risk of saying that it is really true.

Before trying to find a solution, first it should be asked whether this problem needs to be solved indeed. According to what can be seen around, people love and enjoy it a lot. They seem to be driven by it to achieve more and to do more. Thus I would not dare to suggest any advice as it is apparently not needed at all.

Not to be covered with unwanted stuff it could be taken to developing countries and given away to those in need. Of course it is just an unrealistic dream as nobody would do it. It is preferred to dispose anything than to give to another human being. For this reason a specific goal must be created. For example supporting art. Art is a perfect destination. It is enough to get to a gallery to see that most of so called art is nothing but rubbish, compositions which do present nothing, but this nothing makes some art believers overwhelmed by its meaning, which in fact does not exist.

To sum up, instead of dragging fridges to the dump site, get it to an artist or even make a donation to a modern art gallery or a museum. You might even be noticed as a donor or, who knows, maybe one day as a patron of the arts.