Napisz krótką wiadomość do kolegi w której:
• Podziękujesz koledze za jego wiadomość
• Opiszesz w jakim wydarzeniu sportowym brałeś udział
• Poprosisz o coś swojego kolegę
Limit słów: 50-120
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Odpowiedź :

Hello Nick!

How are you? At the start, thanks for your message, I was so happy when I saw that you text me. I wanna share with you what happened two days ago. You know that I am a football player, so like I said two days ago I was on match. I was playing for my team, and it was fun, but  I didn't do a homework, because I was so tired after match. I have a one request for you. Can you call me and help me with it, because I don't think that I can do it by myself. By the way, I hope we will meet soon.

Take care,

Your friend