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1. Tytuł
2. Rodzaj filmu
3. Autorzy
4. Główni bohaterowie
5. Przymiotniki do opisania głównego bochatera
6. Jakie zakończenie ma film happy/sad/ surprising
7. Dlaczego lubicie ten film

Odpowiedź :

my favorite movie is «Dead Poets Society». Is is a comedy-drama. It was created by director Peter Weir. The film was based on a book written by Nancy H. Kleinbaum. The main characters of the film are Professor Keating, Neil Perry and his friends. You can describe the main character as a talented actor, a good friend and just a person going towards his goal. This film is a drama, and therefore has a very sad ending. In order to recognize it, you need to watch this miracle of cinematography. I really love this film because it shows the struggle between power and freedom. The film is very instructive, it tingles that you need to do what you want, because this is your life, not to follow society, to have your own opinion.