Proszę o pomoc klasa 8 na jutro plisss
2 zadnia

Przeczytaj tekst obok jeszcze raz. Znajdź w nim wyrazy pasujące do podanych niżej definicji:
1. an app designer - a person who designs apps
2. a job - the regular work a person does to earn money
3. the office - a place where people usually work at a desk
4. a skill - the ability to do different activities
5. a tip - a useful piece of information
6. well-known - famous
Uzupełnij luki wyrazami z tekstu, tak aby powstały logiczne i spójne zdania:
1. My brother has given me some TIPS/ADVICE on how to make my project better.
2. I am preparing an online PRESENTATION on dinosaurs. I hope my biology teachers will like it.
3. Could you give me an EXAMPLE of what you mean?
4. I have to delete some of the APPS on my phone. I don't have enough space for all of them.
5. If you have any further QUESTIONS do not hesitate to call me.
6. My friend Ann is very good AT maths.
an app designer - projektant aplikacji
a job - praca
the office - biuro
a tip - wskazówka
well-known - dobrze znany
a presentation - prezentacja
an example - przykład
an advice - rada
to be good at - być dobrym w
an app - aplikacja
a question - pytanie
(to) hesitate - wahać się