Odpowiedź :
1. Teachers can find mixed ability classes challenging because they need to teach students of different levels equally well.
2. Languages are compulsory in my school. That means everybody has to study Spanish or English.
3. What is your timetable like on Fridays? Will you still have time to play on the basketball in the afternoon?
4. I've got a classmate who never arrives on time to classes and usually forgets to bring his books.
5. Hugh's sister, Laura, is a university graduate so she often helps him with his homework. Would you like to study Maths at university like Laura?
6. There are a lot of important dates and other facts that you need to learn by heart to study History.
7. I've decided to study a lot harder this term to get better grades.
8. My favourite academic subjects are Geography and Physics. What are yours?
9. Every school in the country now has Physical Education on the curriculum.
Słowniczek pojęć:
a curriculum - program nauczania
a term - semestr
academic subjects - przedmioty akademickie
(to) learn by heart - nauczyć się na pamięć
mixed ability classes - klasy mieszanych umiejętności
a timetable - plan lekcji
compulsory - obowiązkowe
a classmate - kolega z klasy
a graduate - absolwent
equally - równo
grades - oceny