Biuro turystyczne poszukuje pracownika na stanowisko przewodnika wycieczek dla zorganizowanych grup (tour guide). Napisz list motywacyjny (100-150 słów), w którym zrelacjonujesz swoje dotychczasowe doświadczenie w pracy z ludźmi oraz przedstawisz swoje mocne strony, które pomogłyby Ci wykonywać taką pracę.​

Odpowiedź :

Dear Sir or Madam,

I would love to work as a tour guide. I have a lot of experience with taking care of charges. I used to be a dog walker for three years. You might find it irrelevant but please consider it before you reject my application. In both cases, I mean with people and pets, you have to watch them, keep them close and not let them get too lose. For this reason, I believe I am a perfect candidate for this position.

In addition I am well organised and I can always find a way home, which I value a lot and I am sure it may be appreciated by the tourists as well, especially, in case of getting lost.

I am looking to your replay at your earliest convenience

Yours faithfully,
