Przeczytaj tekst. Zaznacz, czy podane zdania są prawdziwe (P), czy falszywe (F).
The town is bigger and more boring today. P/F
There is a library in the town P/F.
There aren't any old houses in the centre of town. P/F
There are 6 theatres in the town. P/F
The houses are small P/F
Tekst do zadania:
My town My town is very different. It is smaller and safer but it is also dirtier and more boringl in the centre of town, thero are some shops, a bank and a library, but there aren't any hotels, museums or supermarkets. The nearest theatro is 6 kilometres away, and there isn't a football stadium. There are 13,000 people in the town and most of the buildings are small houses with gardens.