Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto trzy zdania. Wpisz w luki (7.1. – 7.3.) litery, którymi oznaczono brakujące
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UWAGA: dwa zdania zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej luki.
Drones are both useful and fun. They are relatively cheap, easy to operate and can be used in a variety of
ways. 7.1. ___ Plenty of reports of near-misses between drones and airplanes have been recorded in the
last few years. Also, drone operators sometimes y their vehicles into special security zones like nuclear
plant areas or prison premises. The problems caused by consumer drones and possible solutions have
already been discussed at several conferences. 7.2. ___ The most pressing topic during this event was how
to e ectively minimize the risks represented by drones to public safety.
It seems, however, that the French military have already found a way to deal with drones ying
near military bases, airports and other sensitive areas. They are training eagles to spot and hunt
down drones. 7.3. ___ The birds have special claw protection and they do not su er any injuries
when intercepting drones. The concept has worked out so well, that some police forces are
beginning to train their ‘eagle squads’ to catch unwanted and potentially dangerous drones.
A. One of those was held in London last year and gathered security experts from all over the world.
B. This solution has been found to be much safer than shooting them down or catching them in special
C. Until then, the drones hadn’t been thought of as a major safety issue.
D. For those same reasons, they can be a serious threat.
E. An increase in smuggling has also been defi ned as one of those issues.