Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto trzy zdania. Wpisz w luki (7.1. – 7.3.) litery, którymi oznaczono brakujące
zdania (A – E), aby otrzymać logiczny i spójny tekst.
UWAGA: dwa zdania podano dodatkowo – nie pasują do żadnej luki.

Last year I went to visit my cousin who lives in Los Angeles. One day I asked him to take us to
Beverly Hills so we could see how the rich and famous of the world live. We got there at noon and
decided to take a walk along one of the most expensive shopping streets in the world – Rodeo
Drive. 7.1. ________ Sadly, we saw no-one we recognised from Hollywood blockbusters. At one point
a very expensive-looking and fast car caught my eye. It was a black and yellow Bugatti Veyron
parked outside one of the most exclusive shops in the world – House of Bijan. 7.2. ________ After
that I wanted to visit the shop to have a look at some of the most expensive clothes in the world.
Unfortunately, you need an appointment just to get in the door so we only looked in through the
shop window. 7.3. ________ We spent the rest of the day walking from one shop to another, but we
did not meet anyone famous. It seems it is much easier to meet your favourite film star at the
cinema than on a walk in Hollywood.

A. It was dark inside and we did not see anyone there.
B. That was why there was nobody inside on that day.
C. We strolled around slowly, looking for a film star.
D. My cousin had no idea what to do.
E. We got closer and took pictures of the car.