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Brałeś ostatnio udział w biegu ulicznym napisz e mail do kolegi z Anglii w e mailu
. Opisz swoje przygotowania
. Napisz o trudnym momencie które miało miejsce w czasie biegu
.Przedstaw zalety organizowania biegów ulicznych w miastach
.podaj szczegóły kolejnej takiej imprezy i zaproponuj koledzy udział w niej ​

Odpowiedź :

Hey Kacper!

I was in a street race recently, and I'd like to tell you a little about it and the preparations for it.

So the preparations for it were a bit difficult, every day I ran a few kilometers in different terrains.

When the day of running came I was a bit stressed but I managed. The worst moment was when I felt tired and it was very hot and the sun was shining in my eyes.

But it was not bad, I think street racing is a very good idea, I think it can motivate a lot of people who have watched it themselves.

In 3 months there will be another run and it will be in a different part of the city, so it would be nice if you would take part in it with me.

I hope you'll agree

See you soon!

148 słów (: