Pomóżcie proszę
Potrzebuje te zadanie na dzisiaj jeśli ktoś chce pomoc z góry dziękuje każdemu

Pomóżcie Proszę Potrzebuje Te Zadanie Na Dzisiaj Jeśli Ktoś Chce Pomoc Z Góry Dziękuje Każdemu class=

Odpowiedź :

Hi Matt!

I saw you are really tired last time. I know that you are spending much time at playing computer games, but it isn't healthy! Seriously, I'm worried about you.

You shouldn't spend that much time with computer. It can hurt your eyes! If you spend so many time without any sleep and activity, you will be sleepy and you can get depression.

Rememmber, health is the most important thing! You have to stop spending time in front of the computer and you should maybe join a sport club?

What do you think about tha? I'm waiting for an answer.

I will tell you more soon!

Take care!
