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Hi Monika

I'm happy to help your friend. I went to the Moon Dance Festival last year. It's amazing. I recommend the train - it's quicker but possibly more expensive. It's about 20 minutes on foot from the station to the festival. I can't stand carrying a suitcase so I took a backpack. She doesn't need to take much. It gets very hot and you are always outside so she definitely needs sunscreen! Let me know if your friend needs any more information.
See you

Moon Dance Festival
How to get here

Train: The nearest station is Exmouth. The Free transport from the station to the entrance. The buses run every 20 minutes.

You might have to wait because it will be busy!

Hi Izabela
Sebastian has replied to my email about what to take and getting to the festival. The train is ................ but may be more expensive than the bus. Then it will take .................. on foot to the entrance.
Have a look at the festival website. They have some useful information about getting there. There are three
............... to the festival every hour. Take a backpack, it's much easier. Sunscreen,
sunscreen, sunscreen!!!!
Message me if you need more information.

Bardzo proszę szybko, mam to na jutro a z angielskiego jestem słaba i nie wiem jak to zrobić. Mam nadzieję że zrozumiecie i mi pomożecie ✨❤️
(7 klasa)​