4 Napisz zdania w drugim okresie warunkowym. Użyj podanych wyrazów oraz swoich własnych pomysłów.
if /l (win) €5,000
If I won €5,000, I'd go travelling.
1 if / 1 (find) someone in danger
If I found someone in danger, I'd help help them.
2 if / they (did) nothing all day
If they did nothing all day, their mother would get mad.
3 if / she (not have) any money
If she didn't have any money, I'd lend her some.
4 if / l (be) you
If I were you, I'd ask someone to help you with your homework.
5 if / we (not have to go to school)
If we didn't have to go to school, there would be homeschooling and e-learning only.