Uzupełnij tekst podanymi czasownikami we właściwej formie. 1.My name's Kasia and I'm very artistic. I love_______ (wear) colourful clothes. 2.I like ______(look) at the clothes people wear in different countries. 3.I dream of_______ (become) a fashion designer. 4.I'm determined _________(study) fashion at college. 5.My brother, Kuba, likes ______(read) books about history and he loves ________(visit) castles and museums. 6.He wants _______(work) in a museum in the future. 7.Kuba is looking forward to ______(do) work experience at the dinosaur museum in the summer. 8.It wasn't easy _______(get) this job. 9.I think he's going _______ (love) it!
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