3.4 Słowotwórstwo. Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami utworzonymi od tych, które zostały podane w nawiasach.
1. The teacher is checking (attend) attendance. He's just read your name.
2. He's a (profession) professional football player.
3. This student is very (imagination) imaginative, he has lots of creative ideas.
4. Do you like to (competition) compete with others?
5. Are you allowed to use a (calculate) calculator during Math lesson.
6. When you work in a team it's important to (cooperation) cooperate with everyone.
7. Does Anna go to (religion) religious education class?
8. Who's (absence) absent today?
9. A student has to be the best in school to get a (scholar) scholarship. It is ***$20000 so it's worth it.
10.Do you have to (memory) memorize/memorise these expressions to pass the exam?