Zapisz twierdzenia, przeczenia i pytania do poniższych zdań:
1. Ona była w kościele wczoraj.
2. My byliśmy smutni.
3. Ty byłeś moim przyjacielem.
4. Wy byliście najlepsi.
5. Ja byłem najgorszym uczniem.

Odpowiedź :

Nie do końca wiem, czy o to chodzi:

1. She was in the church yesterday. She wasn't in the church yesterday. Was she in the church yesterday?

2. We were sad. We weren't sad. Were you sad?

3. You were my friend. You weren't my friend. Were you my friend?

4. You were the best. You weren't the best. Were you the best?

5. I was the worst student. I wasn't the worst student. Was I the worst student?