Uzupełnij każde zdanie (1–4) tak, aby zachować sens zdania wyjściowego. Wykorzystaj podany na końcu wyraz nie zmieniając jego formy. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna i gramatyczna wpisywanych fragmentów zdań.
Uwaga! W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie trzy wyrazy, wliczając w to wyraz już podany.

1 We talked about it during our lunch. WERE
We talked about it while _________________ lunch.
2 We went to the cinema because there was a new film on. TO
We went to the cinema ______________________ new film.
3 I don’t really want to go out tonight. KEEN
I’m not very ___________________ out tonight.
4 She did some voluntary work in a hospital. Then she decided to study medicine. HAD
Before she decided to study medicine, _________________________ some voluntary work in a hospital.

Odpowiedź :


1 We talked about it during our lunch. WERE

We talked about it while were having lunch.

2 We went to the cinema because there was a new film on. TO

We went to the cinema to watch a new film.

3 I don’t really want to go out tonight. KEEN

I’m not very keen on going out tonight.

4 She did some voluntary work in a hospital. Then she decided to study medicine. HAD

Before she decided to study medicine, she had done some voluntary work in a hospital.