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Saturday morning

I am currently on a sports camp in a small village in Poland- Bęsia(tutaj możesz dać jakaś inna Wieś ale ja akurat pomyślałam o tej xd). This village is really small but it has a lot of shops and a nice wood so I really like the place I am at.

We are staying at a hotel called "Relaks" and I have a room with two other people. My roomates are ... and ...(nie wiem jakiej płci chcesz te osoby więc wymyśl albo imiona męskie albo damskie).

My first night here I slept really well. I was tired after travelling by a couch and the air is so clear here that I fell asleep in like 10 seconds.

Saturday evening

Today we tried windsurfing on the nearby lake. It was really hard at first and I fell into the water a few times but after a while I got better and had so much fun. After that we all played some beach volleyball and my team won!

The only bad thing that happened today was an accident I had while we were eating supper. I spilled tea all over myself at the table! Thank God it wasn't hot because I would have burned myself.

Right now I am in my room where fortunately I have good wifi connection and Im writing this blog. But also if the hotel's wifi breaks I can always go to the local library and use their computers and internet. Okay that's it for today.

I am gonna write more tommorow so stay tuned!

Mam nadzieję że pomogłam