Znajomość środków językowych Dobieranie 8. E Uzupełnij tekst wyrazami z ramki. Trzy wyrazy podano dodatkowo. earn foreign pay profession university wage Are you thinking about taking a gap year? You could get a temporary job and 8.1. some money. If you move abroad, you can become fluent in a 8.2. language. gap year can also give you time to think about what 8.3. you want to do. Whatever the reason, if you take a gap year, it's important not to waste your time. ​

Odpowiedź :

Are you thinking about taking a gap year? You could get a temporary job and earn some money. If you move abroad, you can become fluent in a foreign language. Gap year can also give you time to think about what profession you want to do. Whatever the reason, if you take a gap year, it's important not to waste your time. ​

8.1. - earn

8.2. - foreign

8.3. - profession