50-80 słów 
Spędziłaś/eś Sylwestra w innym kraju ze swoimi przyjaciółmi. Napisz wpis na blogu o tym:
- jak spędziłaś/eś Sylwestra (gdzie byliście, w jaki sposób świętowaliście np. na festiwalu, na plaży itp);
- opisz swoją i innych kreacje, które mieliście na sobie podczas sylwestra;
- powiedź o swych postanowieniach noworocznych na rok 2022;
- złóż życzenia noworoczne swoim obserwatorom/internautom;​

Odpowiedź :

Yesterday on new year eve I went with my friends to [Jakie chxesz państwo daj] . We all decided it would be a great idea since everyone likes this country. We arrived here early so we found a hotel to stay in and decided that since we have plenty of time we can plan the new year's Eve party! I have a friend from [panstwo ktore wybarxs] so we decided to ask them if we can do a party in their house and they agreed. We ordered some pizza and brought fireworks. We were wearing casual clothes - nothing special. We had a amazing view on the fireworks, later on when it was 12:30AM we watched some series on Netflix and the we thought about moving to this country new year all together to start a new better life. I hope everyone who's reading this spent a great time, happy new year!! To chyba tyle, możesz dodać własne pomysły albo coś pozmieniać