Język angielski
plis proszę o pomoc w tym daje naj
Odpowiedź :
Has he done the washing up yet? No, he hasn't.
Has he cleaned the floor yet? No, he hasn't.
Has he done the ironing yet? No, he hasn't.
Has he taken out the rubbish yet? No, he hasn't.
Has he done the shopping yet? Yes, he has already done it.
Has he done the washing yet? No, he hasn't.
Has he cleaned the window yet? Yes, has just cleaned it.
Has he tidied his desk yet? No, he hasn't.
Has he laid out the table yet? Yes, he has already done it.
Has he made his bed yet? No, he hasn't.
She's just made breakfast.
He's just been on holidays.
They've just arrived.
She's just washed her hair.
He's just bought a ring.
Would you like a cake? No, thanks. We've just had lunch.
I've got up at six in the morning, today.
I've prepared lunch for my father, this morning.
I've not cleaned my room yet.
I've have not washed the dishes yet.
I've just completed my homework.
I've just finished my breakfast.
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