Odpowiedź :
1. Isn't this the film you've ever seen?
2. Should I wear this suit to the interview?
3. I can't remember where I left my car keys!
4. How many companies have you worked for?
5. Aren't you glad that you didn't decide to go home?
6. The older car, the more repairs it'll need.
7.I'd like to know more about your work experience.
8. You've met Javier before, haven't you?
Zad. 2
1. Would
2. haven't
3. does.
4. does
5. are
6. won't
Zad. 3
1. where the interview room is
2. if we can bring guests to the ceremony
3. when the performance finishes
4. what type of questions you'll be asked in the interview
5. why Oksana left before the end of the film
6. where I left my phone
Zad 4
1. willed
2. absent
3. laid
4. fisted
5. self
6. balanced
7. natured (?)
8. faced
9. narrow
10. big
Zad. 5
1. self-confident
2. well-behaved
3. narrow-minded
4. delicious
Zad. 6
1. gut feeling
6. candidate
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