Lekcja 1 – ZADANIA

Zad. 1. Dopasuj podane nazwy zawodów do ich definicji:

programmer, pilot, dentist, farmer, paramedic, sports coach, hairdresser, receptionist, solicitor, engineer, architect, travel agent, waiter, cleaner
This person:
1. helps people to look after their teeth ……………………...
2. writes computer software………………………….
3. flies an aeroplane…………………..
4. often looks after cows and other animals…………………….
5. cuts people’s hair………………….
6. helps people who are injured or ill in an emergency………………………….
7. trains a person or team to make them better at a sport………………………….
8. deals with people who arrive at a hotel, an office, etc…………………………….
9. designs and builds road, bridges, machines, etc……………………………...
10. helps people when they buy a house or have a legal problem……………………..
11. designs buildings………………………………...
12. helps people to choose a holiday……………………...
13. cleans people’s offices, houses, etc……………………...
14. brings food and drinks to tables in a restaurant or cafe…………………………

Zad. 2. Uzupełnij przymiotniki opisujące pracę odpowiednimi literami: a, e, i, o, u, y.
1. ch….ll…..nging
2. b...dl… p...id
3. cr….ativ…
4. r...p….t...t….ve
5. rew….rd….ng
6. str….ssf….l
7. t...r...ng
8. v….ri...d
9. w….ll p….id

Zad. 3. Uzupełnij wyrażenia związane z czynnościami w pracy podanymi poniżej wyrazami.
alone, children, a computer, customers, your feet, five, hours, indoors, a lot (2x), outdoors, the phone, phone calls, the public, a team, a uniform
1. travel…………..
2. be on…………….
3. serve…………..
4. work………………
5. wear……………..
6. deal with…………….
7. be part of………………
8. work nine-to-……………
9. work long………….
10. make…………….
11. answer……………
12. work with…………….
13. earn…………..
14. use……………...