proszę o przetłumaczenie na angielski
1. Gdyby Sarah nie kupiła ziemniaków, co byś zjadł na obiad?
2. Gdyby on był wyższy, on zostałby koszykarzem
3. Gdyby Betty wygrała 500zł, ona kupiłaby dużo książek.

Odpowiedź :


1. If Sarah hadn't bought potatoes, what would you have eaten for dinner?

2. If he was taller, he would become a basketball player

3. If Betty won PLN 500, she would buy a lot of books.


1) If Sarah hadn't bought potatoes, what would you have eaten for dinner?

2) If he were taller, he would become a basketball player 3) If Betty had won £500, she would have bought a lot of books.