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Hi Robin, I haven't seen you for a long time. I have new recipie, and it's my new favourite meal. Let me give you recipie for it.

It's scrambled eggs with sausage, onion and some green stuff.

First you have to melt butter at fring pan, as it melts you can add sliced sausage to it. Then you add sliced onion as well. Now you have to wait and mix mixture, don't let it burn. When it's ready add mixed eggs and basil. Then you can add spicies, and viola'. Yummy scrambled eggs is ready to be eaten. But be carefoul, meal can be very hot. After you eat, you have to wash dishes,  I hate it soo much. I don't like slicing onions too. During washing up, you have to touch some awful food, and slicing onions make you cry, so you don't see anything.

I hope that you'll enjoy my scrambled eggs,

Hope to see you soon

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