Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij każdą lukę jednym wyrazem, tak aby otrzymać logiczny i poprawny gramatycznie tekst. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.
Being a chocolate taster sounds like a dream job, especially for a chocoholic like me. I 1_________________ probably enjoy staying at work all day long if my job just consisted of tasting chocolate every single day. So what do you need to become a taster? The job hardly requires any formal qualifications but many tasters usually obtain a university 2_________________ such as a BSc or MSc in food technology. They attend many workshops to develop their skills. However, you can’t do the job effectively 3_________________ you have an acute sense of taste and smell, as they are crucial in assessing the product. Large companies have several tasters whose job is to taste the chocolate in 4_________________ to determine whether it’s too bitter or too sweet and also to comment on texture and the visual impression. So, if you think you’re good at tasting different flavours, you might be wise to consider it as a career.