Z góry dziekuje za pomoc!
3 Przetłumacz odpowiednio wyrazy podane
w nawiasach i uzupełnij nimi zdania.
1 Most farmers in Vietnam (uprawiają)
__________________ rice.
2 Nobody wants to live near a (wysypiska
śmieci) ___________________ site.
3 I’ve just noticed a squirrel climbing up
a tree (pień) ________________.
4 Methane (CH 4 ) and carbon dioxide (CO 2 )
are (gazami cieplarnianymi)
___________________ which keep
the heat in the atmosphere.
5 Corn is quickly becoming one of the most
popular food (roślin uprawnych)
_____________________ in Poland.

Odpowiedź :


1 Most farmers in Vietnam  they (grow) rice.

2 Nobody wants to live near a (dumps) site.

3 I’ve just noticed a squirrel climbing up  a tree (trunk).

4 Methane (CH 4) and carbon dioxide (CO 2)

are (greenhouse gases) which keep  the heat in the atmosphere.

5 Corn is quickly becoming one of the most  popular food of (plants grown) in Poland.


1. they cultivate

2. garbage islands


4. greenhouse gases

5.arable crops