jezyk angielski- odpowiedziec na pytanie. daje naj i 20 punktow.

do teenagers in poland care about social issues.
if they do, which ones (8-10 ZDAN!!!)

Odpowiedź :


Yes, they do.


Teenagers in Poland care about many social issues, such as climate change or mass consumerism that is promoted by many influencers. In 2021 second hand shops became very popular, which is great for the planet because we can save clothing, like jeans that take lots of water to make. You can often see young people protesting, for example in front of The Polish Parlament. Polish teenagers show their politic view on social medias like twitter or sometimes Facebook or Tiktok. Many younger poles spoke about racism in USA towards black people and showed their support towards black people.

mam nadzieję że pomocne <3
