pomocy pilne

advent przybycie the arrival of someone or something important
► Advent adwent the coming (or second coming) of Jesus Christ; the month leading up to Christmas
► angel anioł a spiritual being acting as a messenger of God (usually shown as a human being with wings)
► berry jagoda a small round fruit
► Bethlehem Betlejem the small town in the Middle East believed to be the birthplace of Jesus Christ
► candle świeca a cylinder of wax with a central wick (like string) which burns to produce light
► chimney komin a vertical pipe in a house that allows smoke and gases to escape from a fireplace (Father Christmas traditionally enters a house through its chimney)
► Christ Chrystus the title of Jesus (also used as His name)
► Christian chrześcijanin a person who believes in Christianity; also an adjective
► Christianity chrześcijaństwo the religion based on the teachings and person of Jesus Christ
► Christmas Boże Narodzenie the annual Christian festival celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ (Christmas Day is on 25 December)
► Christmas cake Wigilijne ciasto a rich fruit cake covered with white icing, eaten at Christmas
► Christmas card Kartka świąteczna a greetings card that people send to friends and family at Christmas
► Christmas carol kolęda a religious song or popular hymn that people sing at Christmas
► Christmas Day Boże Narodzenie 25 December, the birthday of Jesus Christ
► Christmas Eve Wigilia the evening or day before Christmas Day (24 December)
► Christmas holidays święta Bożego Narodzenia the holiday period for about a week before and after Christmas Day
► Christmas present Świąteczny prezent a gift or present given at Christmas
► Christmas tree choinka an evergreen tree (often a spruce) that people decorate with lights and ornaments at Christmas
► cracker krakers
merry christmas- wesołych świąt
christmas tree- świąteczne drzewko
gift- prezent
Santa claus - święty mikołaj
reindeer- renifer
gingerbread- piernik
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