Napisz w zeszycie tekst od 50 do 120 słów zawierający informacje z trzech zagadnień, tekst ten powinien mieć formę maila do kolegi/koleżanki. Podpisz się swoim imieniem: 
• Describe what you have learnt about Christmas from watching television or films.
• What sort of food do people eat at Christmas time?
• Explain what you know about Father Christmas or Santa Claus.

Odpowiedź :

Hi (np. Sandra)

I learned a lot about Christmas while watching movies. It is worth spending time with your family and having your own traditions. We eat a variety of foods during Christmas. They are cabbage rolls, borscht, cabbage with peas, compote, dumplings with cabbage and there can be coins in the middle. Our Polish traditions, culture and food are very important to us, so let's remember about it and take care of it. Santa Claus this the figure of an old man with a white beard wearing a red outfit who, according to various legends and fairy tales, delivers gifts to children on a sleigh pulled by a horse-drawn carriage during Christmas. Remember that Santa Claus is on December 6.

Happy Holidays from your friend np. Milena (twoje imię )