W ramach eksperymentu spędziłeś/spędziłaś dwa tygodnie bez dostępu do mediów społecznościowych.
W e-mailu do kolegi z Londynu: wyjaśnij , jak się czułeś/czułaś w tym czasie opisz, w jaki sposób spędzałeś/spędzałaś czas wolny napisz, co było dla ciebie największym wyzwaniem. Od50-120słów(nie liczącz wyrazów podanych na początku wypowiedzi)
Proszę o szybką i bezbłędną odpowiedź.Osoby niepewne proszę o nieodpowiadanie na zadanie.​

Odpowiedź :

Hi Amelia!

In the last two weeks, I made the challenge of not using the phone and not looking at social media. I felt great, I think I had more time on my own and my grades improved. Of course, I didn't study all day, I spent my free time with my family or friends. The biggest challenge for me was to write to Blanka and ask her if she wants to show off. However, I made it! I think everyone should take this challenge.



87 słów

Mam nadzieję, że pomogłam

Hi Marcus,  

I'm back from prison camp, or at least that was the impression I got when we were ruthlessly denied access to our phones, laptops or tablets on the first day after arrival. Everyone had to deposit their beloved gadgets in a box that looked very hostile at first sight. We were experimental subjects in a two-week experiment of living without access to social media. Some were getting hysterics and spasms, crying with anger that they couldn't find out who had just added a photo or who had written a comment that they had left home. Others were ruminating that they wouldn't be able to see all the photos their friends were adding. I personally exhibited symptoms of both of these groups. So I couldn't pull myself together and find any meaningful activity. Conversations with friends were reduced to longing sighs and short sentences like "I wonder what my friend has added now" or what pictures I have missed. We looked like a group of lifelong convicts, with cloudy eyes and a hopeless emptiness in our souls. This image must have filled us with pain and suffering, but our tutors showed no human compassion and were unmoved by our excessive suffering.  

Sitting and remaining silent, communicating in monosyllables, staring into the void, we learned that social media is an invaluable asset, the deprivation of which is a threat to health and perhaps even life.  

Let me know what you think of such experiments and whether you have ever taken part in one.  
