Ważne! Dużo punktów! Napisz maila do Marka, mówiąc mu jak ma się ubrać na ślub, wyjaśnij jak przebiega uroczystość weselna, przypomnij koledze, że powinien kupić prezent ślubny, i zaproponuj swój pomysł. Korzystaj z wyrazów z
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Odpowiedź :


Hi, Mark

I hope you're doing well. I'm wrting to remind you of a coming wedding. I heard that you have problems with getting prepared so I decided to help you out a little.

First you should get a tidy suit. As you know you can't go to a wedding in something casual. The wedding will start in the St. Paul Church, then it'll move on to the wedding house. Before the actual party starts there will be few traditional rituals so please just wait patiently and do what everyone else does. Also don't forget about a present for the married couple. I think the best choice would be fine wine with wishes for the newlyweds.

Please, don't screw it up.

Love you,

