napisz po angielsku 10 zdan cos bardziej jak wtpracowanie .co robisz w ciagu tygodnia używając słów:
Always every day every evening often once a week once month seldom sometimes never usually ​​

Odpowiedź :



During the week I usually go running 3 or 4 times in the morning. I also try to go to the gym often. I always eat healthy and I keep my diet 6 days a week, because I make Sunday my "cheat day". On Sunday I allow myself to eat whatever I want and I also never workout on this day. I seldom go to the local swimming pool. I also love biking on the weekends with my family. We go on delightful trips together! I used to go hiking a few months back regularly but I don't do it anymore due to issues with my leg. But for sure I'll come back to doing this amazing activity when I get better. I think that this lifestyle keeps me healthy and it will make me live a long, happy life without major medical/health issues.


Ten krótki tekst składa się z 150 słów oraz 10 złożonych zdań.




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