Hi Tom! How are you? hope you're well. I'd like to tell you about my new classmate Her name's Alice. We first met at school beacuse she's a new tall and slim with eyes brown. She has got short curly hair and she wears plasses. Prosze by ten E-mail dokonczyc mam na jutro

Odpowiedź :


Popraw! "We first met at school because she's new. She is tall and slim. She has got brown eyes. [...] she wears glasses"

I think she is really nice and smart. She is good at math, English and Technology Studies/Computer Studies. Her favorite subjects are art and English. She often likes to read books, draw and she told me that she can cook well. I think you two would get along together quite well, maybe you should hang out with her? Tell me what you think about that idea!


(Twoje imię)

Tłumaczenie: Uważam, że jest bardzo miła i mądra. Jest dobra z matematyki, angielskiego i z informatyki. Jej ulubionymi przedmiotami jest plastyka i angielski. Ona często czyta książki, rysuje i powiedziała mi, że potrafi dobrze gotować. Myślę, że wy dwoje byście się bardzo dobrze dogadali, może powinieneś z nią spędzić trochę czasu? Powiedz mi co myślisz o tym pomyśle!


(Twoje imię)