4 Read the writing task. Copy the chart into your
notebook and complete the information.
Niedawno zaprzyjaźniłeś/zaprzyjaźniłaś się
z nową osobą. Napisz e-mail do kolegi z Londynu.
Wyjaśnij, jak się poznaliście.
Opisz nowego przyjaciela/nową przyjaciółkę.
• Napisz, jak wspólnie spędzacie czas.
E-mail powinien zawierać od 50 do 120 słów.
Your notes
Questions to ask and answer
What's your friend's name?
How old is he/she? Where/
how/when did you meet?
What does he/she look like?
What kind of character and
2 personality does he/she
have? Are you and your friend
similar or different?
What things do you like doing
Pamiętaj, że w tym zadaniu należy przekazać
trzy informacje. Każdą z nich napisz w osobnym

Odpowiedź :

Hi Liam!
How are you? Guess what, I made a new friend! His name is Louis and he is just wonderful!
We met at the concert in London last week. It was fun because we were singing and dancing together. The best thing is that we are at the same age! And the funniest is that we look pretty similar. Can you belive that? We both have blue eyes and blond hair.
I really enjoy spending time with him because his sense of humour is hilarious! Also Louis is very polite and reliable person. We love the same type of music and we both hate rock. He told me that he don’t like pizza. I was suprised because who don’t like it?
Anyways as you can see at the pictrutes he is a style icon so shopping with him is pleasure! We love it!
That is all for now.

jezeli sa jakies bledy piszcie

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