Elotypek123viz Elotypek123viz Język angielski Rozwiązane 2 W każdym fragmencie opisu przepisz podane zdania tak, by stworzyć jedno krótsze zdanie. Pamiętaj o używaniu spójników takich jak and i but. 1 My new house is big. It is a terraced house. It's got a balcony. The balcony is small . It's got six rooms. My new house is a big terraced house with Six rooms and a small balcony. 2 I live in a block of flats. The block of flats is in the city centre. My flat is small. It is nicely decorated. 3 My bedroom is a small room. It is always messy. It is cosy. 4 There is a bed in my bedroom. There is a wardrobe. I keep clothes there. I also keep my sports equipment there.