69 Pracujcie w parach. Porozmawiajcie
„przez telefon" o tym, gdzie jesteście
i co robicie.
Hi! It's Oskar. Where are you?
Hi, Oskar. I'm at the museum.
What are you doing?
I'm ...
Napisać minimum 7 pytań i odpowiedzi.Proszę pomóżcie do wieczora syn ma odesłać Pani z anglika​

Odpowiedź :

Hi! It's Oskar. Where are you?

Hi, Oskar. I'm at the museum.

What are you doing?

I'm exploring the old castle now. What about you?

I'm in the restaurant with my family.

Cool, but why did you call me? Did something happen?

Fortunately, not. I called you to just chat.

OK, I understand. Is your sister Emily saying something right now?

Oh, yes she is. How did you know?

I've just heard some weird sounds in the background.

Anyway, how about going to the shopping center on Friday?

Sorry, but I can't do it on Friday. What about Sunday?

Good! We got a deal. See you later!

Bye, see you later!