2 Zdecyduj, o czym jest każdy tekst (1-3).
Dopasuj do każdego z nich właściwy
temat (a-d). Wpisz odpowiednią literę
w każdą kratkę. Uwaga! Jeden temat nie
pasuje do żadnego tekstu.

a A family holiday
b A family meal
C A restaurant meal
d A friend's party

1. It's my dad's birthday on Friday. He
doesn't want a party, but we're going to make a
nice meal. He's never had Russian food, so we'd
like to do something like that. I'm going to look
on the Internet to get some ideas. I'm going to
buy a big birthday cake, too.

2. My parents are thinking about where
to go this summer, but they still haven't chosen
anywhere. I'd like to go to the USA or somewhere
amazing like that. The problem is my sister doesn't
like eating new food. She's never been to a
Chinese restaurant. She wants to stay in Britain so
we can eat the same food we usually eat.

3. My friend is having a party next week,
but I can't go. I'm going to visit my grandparents
on the coast for a family holiday. My friend isn't
happy because I've never missed her birthday
before. But I'll buy her a present, when I go into
town tomorrow.​