6 Now complete the Skills Booster task. place Skills Booster tle Przeczytaj jeszcze raz tekst o przygodzie Lisy w zamku.Uzupełnij luki 1-6 we-mailu Lisy do kolegi z Wielkiej Brytanii zgodnie z treścią tekstu. W każdą face lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie cztery wyrazy. Zapisz odpowiedzi w zeszycie. once From: Lisa To: Tim Subject: Dunajec Castle ose ur . Hi Tim, Last weekend I visited an amazing place. It was the castle in Niedzica, by the River Dunajec in Poland. I went there with my (1) ?. What is exciting about the castle is that it is haunted. There was once a (2) ? living in the castle who wasn't a calm woman at all and she often (3) ? her husband. After one such fight, he pushed her so hard that she (4) ? Now she lives in the castle as a (5) ?. It is easy for me to write about it now, but when I was there I heard some spooky noises, sol(6) ? of Brunhilda. Trust me, it was scary. How about going there together one day? f Greetings,