Zad.1 1.butterfly 2. elephant 3.snake 4. monkey 5.lion 6. żaba 7. ptak 8. pająk 9.wieloryb 10.tygrys
Zad2. 1.hamster 2.rabbit 3.turtle 4. parrot 5. gold fish
Zad3. 1.cute 2. dangerous 3. slow 4. strong 5.ugly
Zad4. 1. doesn't 2. don't 3. doesn't 4. don't 5. doesn't
Zad5. 1. Do 2.Does 3.Do 4. Do 5. Does
Zad6. 1.My favourite animal is dog. 2. They are large, have claws, large and small paws, long tails, and large ears. (nie jestem pewna tego zdania) 3. They can run, jump and bark. 4. They eat meat. 5. I like them because they are cute.